Everything You Need To Know About Earth Day 2021

Every April, people worldwide celebrate Earth Day to show their support for the environment – here’s what you need to know about the event this year.

What is Earth Day?

Established in 1970, Earth Day brings together people from around the world to support the environment and emphasise the action we need to take to save our planet. This year, organisers are calling for three days of climate action (20th-22nd April), but environmental issues will take centre stage throughout the week beforehand.

For Earth Day 2021, US president Joe Biden has invited 40 world leaders to participate in a virtual summit on the 22nd and 23rd of April to highlight the urgency for more decisive climate action.

What is the focus this year?

This year’s theme is Restore Our Earth, which focuses on the need to reduce our impact on the planet as we recover from the effects of the pandemic, and how we can repair the damage we’ve already done.

How can you take part in Earth Day?

There are events taking place online and in-person (with safety restrictions in place), and you can discover what’s happening near you via the Earth Day map. Organisers have also created a toolkit to help you navigate the Restore Our Earth campaigns and how you can get involved. At the same time, live-streamed events including workshops, panel discussions, and special guest appearances – last year’s event featured the likes of Jane Fonda and Joaquin Phoenix – can be tuned into from the comfort of your home

What else can you do?

We’d recommend researching your local campaign groups, as well as environmental charities such as Greenpeace, or WWF. If you’re interested in shopping more consciously, we’ve got information on all of our sustainable fibres here, as well as a fresh reading list to consult for information and advice on embracing an eco-friendly lifestyle.


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