Team Whistles At Home

We caught up with Team Whistles at home as they adjusted to their new normal, and talked about ultimate albums, the best of Netflix, easy recipes and favourite running tracks.


What albums are you listening to at the moment?

I’m mostly revisiting old albums for comfort right now; Midlake The Trials of Van Occupanther, Jurassic 5 Power in Numbers, Nils Frahm Spaces, The Shins Oh, Inverted World and Lambchop Flotus are all my most played.

Do you have any daily rituals?

A coastal walk at 7am each day with my baby. It’s the one time both of us are pretty peaceful, just before the day begins. Then at 7pm every night – once my son is in bed – I soak in the tub to unwind from the day. Our days are pretty structured, bookended with a ritual of finding calm where we can.

Are there any uplifting Instagram accounts that you are loving right now?

Always love @newyorkercartoons, @neontalk (80s and 90s aesthetic) and @thefatjewish for laughs. Home interiors from @mydomaine, @communedesign and @coldpicnic, @indoek which celebrates the coastal creative culture and @somewhereiwouldliketolive for the wanderlust in me.

Tell us the best piece of advice you’ve heard…

“You can find inspiration in everything” from my old boss, Sir Paul Smith.

Do you have a comfort TV show that you always return to?

Seinfeld every time. Been watching it on repeat for the past 20 years.


What was the last thing you cooked?

Vegetarian Thai red curry – quite random for an Easter Monday but here we are.

Your top tip for switching off in the evening…

I tidy up my front room where my temporary desk is and put away my computer, phone and sketches – it needs to feel like a different space in the evening. I keep a very strict working/ not working rule, I don’t think it’s productive for me when the lines blur!

What are you currently reading?

The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper – it looks at the misogyny around the Ripper myth amongst lots of interesting London history.

Any good at-home workout recommendations?

No! I wish I did – I need some recommendations! I’m doing a mix of running, weights and online yoga to varying levels of success.

Be honest, what is the last-played song on your Spotify?

Orville Peck – “Queen of the Rodeo”. Cannot stop listening to his album.

Senior Brand Editor & Creative Producer, CHARLOTTE

Give me your top 3 songs to run to

I’ve become a lockdown running nut and “10K” – Obongjayar, “One More Day Won’t Hurt” – Slaves and “Nigeria What?” – Debruit, all help to get my legs turning over.

What was the last good film you watched?

Greta Gerwig’s Ladybird starring Saoirse Ronan. I missed it in the cinema but it has been recently added to Netflix. It’s honest, touching and the mother-daughter relationship had me in pieces.

Tell us the best piece of advice you’ve heard recently…

It sounds so simplistic but take each day as it comes. The big questions and big worries are often too overwhelming, so just focus on the 12 hours in front of you.

How do you unwind?

Fresh air and a big glass of wine.

Do you have any tips for staying healthy at home?

Get up at the same time every day. It will help you feel ‘normal’ and is better for productivity.


What are you currently reading?

I’m re-reading The Way We Wore: A Life In Threads by Robert Elms, a great insight into fashion, music and street culture from the ‘60s through to the late ‘80s.

What albums are you listening to at the moment?

Currently listening to Forest Drive West’s Parallel Space EP. I’m married to a vinyl junkie and our house is always filled with great music both new and old.

What is helping you stay sane right now?

Gardening and weeding is my way of finding some much-needed quiet in my mind – I’m also learning Finnish.

Any good at-home workout recommendations?

My only exercise is walking our black lab Alvar for 2 hours each evening. I’m lucky to have an office in my garden but it’s perched above 75 steps, so that’s a workout in itself.

Do you have any tips for staying healthy at home?

I’ve made a concerted effort during the last month to be healthier and reset my lifestyle choices. I shaved my head – taking my hair back to its natural grey to avoid harsh chemicals – and have given up sugar and alcohol. It’s been a lovely opportunity to spend quality time with my family.

Buyer, Kate

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Strong cup of coffee to kick start me into work mode.

Do you have any tips for staying healthy at home?

Keep moving! The weather has really helped us all out with this, but I’ve taken up running for the first time in my life and I’m learning to love it.

Be honest, what is the last-played song on your Spotify?

Bill Withers – “Lovely Day”. Taking me back to when I last heard it at a festival in Albania last summer.

Tell us the best piece of advice you’ve heard…

There’s no such thing as can’t.

What is your favourite film of all time?

True Romance! Their love is so unspoilt and earnest. Plus Alabama’s wardrobe is worth tuning in for alone.

Junior Buyer, Ella

Any good at-home workout recommendations?

I have actually veered away from home workouts and relied on a good old fashioned run! I have found leaving the house to exercise a positive reminder of life pre-isolation and is a snippet of escapism from the situation. Plus it’s the perfect lunch break activity.

What was the last good film you watched?

I’ve never been much of a movie buff but my boyfriend has been giving me a lockdown film education. On Saturday we watched American Beauty; an unusual storyline but I didn’t fall asleep in the middle so it must have been good!

Are there any uplifting Instagram accounts that you are loving right now?

@gizzierskine has paired up with her friend – who happens to be Professor Green – to recreate takeaway meals – or ‘Fakeaways’. She started with the iconic Big Mac, which hooked me in straight away…

Your top tip for switching off in the evening…

I love to cook, and if a few glasses of wine are consumed whilst I am in the kitchen then even better. The extra time we have has allowed me to plan meals a bit more and play around with ingredients. Cooking has felt less rushed and eating has become a real highlight of the day, so it’s a win-win.

What are you watching on Netflix?

It’s not on Netflix but I am currently binge-watching Real Housewives of New Jersey – don’t judge me! I love trashy reality TV.

Merchandiser, Lucie

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

I try to meditate for 10-15 minutes each morning – starting the day with a moment of calm gives me focus and energy for the day ahead.

Do you have any quick and easy meal suggestions?

I’m not great in the kitchen, but I make a pretty good frittata. I throw anything I fancy into an ovenproof dish – my favourite combo is spinach, bacon, mushrooms, feta and olives – cover in eggs and bake until set.

What is your favourite film of all time?

Lion – I cry from start to finish.

Do you have any tips for staying healthy at home?

Try to get out of the house every day for a walk or run, the fresh air really helps – and don’t buy unhealthy snacks as you will eat them all!

Are there any uplifting Instagram accounts that you are loving right now?

@brittanybathgate and @alexisforeman for working from home outfit inspiration.


What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Check my phone… Unfortunately.

Do you have any quick and easy meal suggestions?

Cauliflower and sweet potato curry. Whack it all in a pan with an onion, some masala spices and a tin of tomatoes…delish.

What are you watching on Netflix?

Unorthodox. It’s a fascinating glimpse into Jewish traditions and culture.

Be honest, what is the last-played song on your Spotify?

“All My Friends” – LCD Soundsystem.

What is helping you stay sane right now?

My two best friends and their miniature dachshund Mr Big, who I am currently on lockdown with. They’re keeping me laughing and just generally being my rocks. Speaking to family and friends, decorating, Radio 6, gardening, laughing, drinking [lots of] wine – all definitely helps too!


Any good at-home workout recommendations?

I bought some boxing gloves and there are loads of YouTube tutorials on sequences. It’s super fun and great to do with your isolation partner.

Tell us your favourite film of all time?

It’s so hard to pick one film… but True Romance is definitely in my top 10.

How do you unwind?

Drawing and painting really help me unwind. I find pencil drawing especially therapeutic as you can pick it up for as little as 5 minutes. No paints are going to dry, and you can return to it whenever you choose.

What are you currently reading?

Currently reading The Testaments by Margaret Atwood… Not sure I would advise with the current situation but I’m in too deep now.

What was the last thing you cooked?

I like going by themes… So over the bank holiday weekend, I did a Mexican night. I made cod tacos with homemade flour tortillas and spicy margaritas. Plus all the trimmings; guacamole and spicy slaw.


Do you have a comfort TV show that you always return to?

Peep Show! I’ve watched it more times than I can count, and it’s the source of all my favourite memes. The characters permanently teeter on the edge of failure, and yet there’s something so comical and reassuring about the whole thing. It’s self-deprecating British humour at it’s finest.

Give me your top 3 songs to run to…

Tycho – “Japan”, George Fitzgerald – “Roll Back”, SBTRKT – “Hold On”.

Any good podcast recommendations?

Off-menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster is my go-to. James’ magical genie alter-ego takes the guests’ hypothetical orders for their dream starter, main, dessert, side order and drink. It’s a fun take on interviewing, combining nostalgia, comedy and amusing food-themed anecdotes. My other favourites are Table Manners with Jessie Ware, The Guardian’s Today in Focus and Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People.

What is helping you stay sane right now?

Making sure I always have something to look forward to, even if it’s the smallest, simplest of things. Starting a new book I’ve had on my to-read list, drinking the nice bottle of wine we’d been saving, or Zoom-calling a group of friends.

Do you have any quick and easy meal suggestions?

Re-fried black bean tacos are a firm favourite. I’m convinced it’s foolproof as I seem to change the recipe each time and it still turns out to be a success. The key is to cook the black beans really slowly, then top with a sweetcorn and red onion salsa, plus avocado with lots of lime.


What albums are you listening to at the moment?

Nirvana Live on MTV Unplugged, the Queen and Slim soundtrack and Drunk by Thundercat.

Do you have any daily rituals?

Since lockdown I’ve been using the time, I would usually spend commuting to go on a walk around Abney Park cemetery near my house.

Do you have a comfort TV show that you always return to?

Curb Your Enthusiasm is always guaranteed to make me cry and cringe with laughter.

Do you have any quick and easy meal suggestions?

Sarah from our Design team gave me this unbelievably tasty recipe from Ottolenghi Simple for rose harissa and black olive pasta and it’s now on weekly rotation in our house (alongside fish finger tacos).

Tell us the best piece of advice you’ve heard…

Remember to breathe when it all gets a bit overwhelming, and – the best things can come from having time and space to be creative. That’s two bits of advice!



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