In Conversation With The Trainers Behind The Fitness Studio Rumble On Strengthening Your Body, Nurturing Your Mind And Reaching Further

Established in 2013 in Paris, Rumble is a carbon-neutral fitness studio bringing a variety of classes to suit all. With three studios based in London, the gyms offer everything from continuous HIIT classes that run every 10 minutes to dynamic boxing, yoga, spin and Pilates – to name a few. Here, the expert team of trainers drew us in for the second part of our activewear story.

From a strength and mobility teacher who only discovered callisthenics three years ago to a cyclist who reignited her fitness career in her 50s, the Rumble team specialise in a broad range of activities. After photographing and videoing the unit in the flagship Dalston studio, we sat down to talk to each of them about their fitness journey, advice to those new to movement, and how training can transform all areas of your life.

These are trainers to inspire you to strengthen your body, nurture your mind, train your willpower, and help you recover so you can keep on reaching further.

Lara Hassan

Gyrotonics, Gyrokinesis, Classical Pilates, Sculpt, Garuda Trainer

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your types of training…

I’ve always been interested in the study of humans and the body. My Dad was in the army, and he encouraged us to train and took us to climb, so we’re always very active. I grew up in Lebanon, which was war-torn and expressing yourself through movement was one of the few things we could do and enjoy. So I have experience with gyrotonics, gyrokinesis, garuda, garuda barre, barre and yoga until I developed my method, ‘Body by Lara’, to define and sculpt.

When did you first fall in love with movement, and why? How does your type of training make you feel?

My training bridges movement and mindful movement with sculpting. When I was in my third year of work, I was working with a musician, Sting, and travelled to New York and I got deeper into the studying of classical Pilates. This ignited me to explore more. As a result, my training makes me feel energised, strong and sculpted. I still love boxing and doing cardio because I like varied exercises, but sculpt training still makes you sweat enough. It makes me feel powerful because it opens up the body and creates space, toning me and improving my posture. I’m 46 years old, but I don’t feel my age.

How has your career in training and movement changed over time?

The secret is being curious and wanting to learn things properly. I never looked at my work as creating a brand; it was more about starting to explore and see where it takes me. In terms of my training method itself, it’s endless. When the body is your source of inspiration and the base of your research, you never reach a moment where you think that’s it. So I’m constantly developing my method. Dance, yoga, resistance training and Pilates are all elements I explore. Every time I choreograph, it is different. It’s like arriving somewhere and thinking – let’s see what we have here today.

When the body is your source of inspiration and the base of your research, you never reach a moment where you think that’s it.

Sarah Sharman

Dance, Barre and Pilates Trainer

Can you tell us how you got into Pilates, barre and your training?

I got into Pilates first and had already trained as a dancer. I was looking for a second income that would be flexible and utilise skills I already had. Pilates is quite disciplined, which I like. There’s form and structure to it. It’s a great exercise you can do anywhere, and your body is still learning over time. You’re repeating movements, but you can still find something new in what you’re doing. My barre fit is more dance-based than what many classes offer.

How important are music and sound to your training and teaching?

Quite a lot of Pilates is done in silence, so you’re concentrating on the movement, but I do play music that tends to have a beat or something up-tempo, especially for sequences with lots of pulses to keep people motivated to keep going. Music is definitely needed for barre, especially when the aches are setting in. It keeps the energy going and helps with the counts and exercise changes; it brings synchronicity.

What is the best thing about sharing your training with others and teaching them?

The best thing about teaching is connecting with people in the class. It’s great when you show them how to adapt elements or offer modifications and eventually see them get to the full version. You feel like you’ve gone on that journey with them. I encourage people to focus on themselves, as the only battle is the one they’ve created. The most difficult struggle is often leaving the house to get there. I encourage them to have a good time and enjoy the class.

Go out, get an introductory offer and get taught by someone in a studio or gym first. Listen, ask lots of questions and look at how other people are doing things.

Any advice for those new to movement and how to start training at home?

I’d say don’t do it at home. Instead, go out, get an introductory offer and get taught by someone in a studio or gym first. Listen, ask lots of questions and look at how other people are doing things. Test theories and techniques and play around with movement to find out what your body can do. Once you’ve tried a variety of things, you’ll start gaining enough confidence and knowledge to do it at home.

Janine Joseph

Cycling and Spin Trainer

Tell us about your cycling; how did you get into it?

I’ve always ridden a bike, but it was my mode of transport rather than my teaching initially. Then I happened to be in the right place, at the right time, at the beginning of spinning. I got picked up by a German company looking for trainers to deliver indoor cycling and people to train other trainers. I had something that they wanted. I went from having never taught spin to having this role as a European master trainer and US master trainer, where I was travelling all over the world. Once I had children, I stepped back as I wanted to enjoy my teaching and travel less. A few years ago, somebody from the industry came looking for me, and I began training and travelling again, all in my 50s.

What do you love most about cycling outside? And on the other hand, training indoors?

They are total opposites because with cycling outdoors, you get to a level where it takes up a massive amount of time. However, you can do everything you need to do indoors in 60 to 90 minutes. You really can. Outdoor cycling requires a lot of equipment and a lot of clothes, and it takes a lot of courage. When cycling outdoors, you can feel connected in a different way. I love taking myself somewhere that feels relatively safe and riding with music. I get to escape for a few hours. And then there’s coffee and cake, which can’t be separated from outdoor cycling; if you don’t enjoy those, you may as well not cycle…

Advice for beginners keen to start cycling? Inside and outdoors?

If you’re going to cycle indoors, find out about the music because however excellent the instructor is, if you don’t like their music choice, you won’t engage with the class. Everything else can be learned. Also, go with an open mind that everything you achieve is a triumph because cycling classes are challenging. For outdoor cycling, ride with someone with good road sense and craft, as it can be scary starting out alone. Women’s cycling is inclusive, and you can join plenty of groups; for example, British Cycling does something called Breeze Rides. These have different levels, including social, family, intermediate and advanced. Joining a non-competitive group is the best way to learn how to ride because whenever you feel that it’s too much for you, the group will slow down and wait for you. You’ll never feel like you’re on your own.

A few years ago though, somebody from the industry came looking for me and I began training and travelling again, all in my 50s.

Has the way you train changed over the years? What do you prioritise? What’s been your journey over the years?

That’s a fascinating question because the lockdown changed everything for me. Before, I rode in France, Belgium, Holland and Spain five or six times a year. Riding as much as possible was my focus and separated me from friends and family. Lockdown gave me a fresh perspective on how much I was riding and the importance of spending time with others. As a result, I’ve come back to my cycling with a different attitude. I no longer feel obliged to get up, rain or shine, and train. Instead, I ride when I want to and do shorter distances. I’m also 61 now, and my energy has changed. My optimum ride is four hours, and anything beyond that, I crave a bloody mary and a packet of peanuts… It’s true (laughing), I promise you, it’s true.

How do cycling and staying fit make you feel?

It makes me feel centred. I can’t begin to tell you how important that was to me during my menopause – it saved me. I’m on the other side of that now, but I still use cycling to balance myself mentally. I’m also physically fit and strong for my age, and I quickly recover if I get ill. That has to be down to the amount of focus training I’ve done for the last 40-50 years. More than anything, though, my cycling belongs to me. It’s not a chore, and it’s something I love. I can’t separate myself from it. It’s my work, my leisure, and what I’m most proud of. It’s who I am and what I am.

My cycling belongs to me. It’s my work, it’s my leisure and it’s what I’m most proud of. It’s who I am and what I am.

Anna Jiménez Galacho

HIIT, Callisthenics, Gymnastic Strength, Handstand and Movement Coach

Tell us about how you like to train and what you specialise in. When did you start?

I’ve always been a dancer, but I’d never trained before. I just went cycling and dance. Then, three years ago, I discovered callisthenics, which is training with your body weight. I also found handstands and hand balance around the same time. When I first discovered this type of training, it made me feel good quickly and was very consistent, mostly because I enjoyed it. In March last year, I decided I wanted more guidance and to compete, so I worked with a trainer myself, and my progress has increased even more since then.

What would you say to those interested in becoming more strong and new to this type of training?

It can be scary at first. Let’s say you arrive at a class, and everyone is already pretty strong, or maybe some people are already doing pull-ups. The first thing I would say is don’t get scared because we have all been there. Once you feel yourself getting stronger, you’ll feel good about yourself, and it’ll connect to your mind. You’ll have achieved something you never thought you’d be able to and want to keep going.

What advice would you give to maximise rest and recovery between sessions? Do you stretch lots or have regular days off?

For beginners in strength training, I’d say start with full-body sessions a few times a week. Once you move to intermediate strength training, I’d move to legs, push and pull-focused workouts. Even as you progress, don’t ever train more than six days in a row. Try to take days off and rest. Sometimes I struggle to rest as I want to stay active, but you can always do something different on rest days, like take a long walk or try a dance class. I always focus on mobility before my training sessions and stretching at the end.

When I discovered this type of training, it made me feel good very quickly and I was very consistent in my training; mostly because I was enjoying it.

What do you like to do when you’re not training?

When I’m not training, I go to dancing classes. Dance was my first hobby and love – it still is. I’m so passionate about callisthenics now, too, though it can be hard to find time for both, especially when you want to give your all and rest.

What’s the best thing about experiencing yourself getting stronger and progressing in your training?

It’s been incredible to see myself doing things I would never have thought I could. It makes me feel really good to see how disciplined I can be. Feeling strong makes me feel better about my life, and it makes me realise you can get whatever you want if you put the effort in. But, of course, this extends to other areas of my life, too.

Deena Jason

Boxing, Muay Thai, + Fight Conditioning Trainer

Tell us about your path and experience in boxing and Muay Thai; how did you get into it?

I had quite a difficult childhood, and after I left home, I ended up in several abusive relationships. So I started to look for why I kept repeating the same patterns. I wanted to address it, improve, and take responsibility for myself. I had a friend in Muay Thai who told me to try it, so I bought a block of sessions, knowing nothing about it. I went into a fight gym, which was pretty scary, and I started to train there and never looked back. I was in a very low place mentally and physically, and I wanted to do something that would empower me and make me feel better about myself.

Do you coach other women? What does this bring to your training and fitness?

I coach women and men from all walks of life. We get people from all sorts of backgrounds. I love being able to help women build their confidence, and it’s one of my favourite things about my work – seeing how transformative boxing and martial arts can be. It can help people to handle things, and it might seem like something that is just physical, but it goes far beyond that.

How can beginners try out this type of training? How do you know if it’s right for you?

There are so many classes around now, and you don’t have to go to a fight gym; you can go to a studio. You can dip into it and try it without committing and joining a fight gym – it’s just so much more accessible. Our classes at Rumble are for everyone, and there’s no ego here. You can come in at any level, and we’re all beginners at some point. We’ve got people training in their 50s, 60s and of all ages.

I was in a very low place mentally and physically, and I wanted to do something that would empower me and make me feel better about myself.

What’s essential for you to rest and recover? What do you prioritise?

I’m not brilliant at recovery because my job is so physical. I’m competing regularly, holding pads and coaching where the classes are high energy. Sleep is a huge priority for me, as are stretching and focusing on my diet. So I have to think about nutrition when competing and ensure it’s on point. I also live just outside London, so I’m in the countryside, dramatically changing my days off. I love being in nature now.

How have boxing and muay Thai changed your life? What have you learnt?

So much. It transformed my life. First, it gave me the discipline and structure I never had growing up, which has been crucial for me. The biggest thing, though, is that it’s taught me how to be strong. Not just physically but in terms of handling anything and everything. What’s so wonderful about learning to box and push yourself is you know what you’re capable of – which is usually a lot more than you think.

Our new Active Collection for 2023 revolves around high-performance styles to support you and set you apart. Blending wearable colours and prints with considered fabrics and attention to detail, this collection introduces workout pieces to mix and match at your leisure.


Photographer + Videographer: Harry Clark
Art Director + Producer: Daniel William Hynd
Talent: Lara Hassan, Sarah Sharman, Janine Joseph, Anna Jiménez Galacho and Deena Jason
Stylist: Camila Brull
Hair + Makeup Artist: Gabriella Floyd
Gaffer: Dominic Compton
Photography Assistant: Reece Calver
Production Coordinator + Feature Writer: Helena Stocks

Special thanks to the team at Rumble Gym, London.

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